Benefits of Choosing Clear Aligners

Benefits of Choosing Clear Aligners from Mission Valley Dental Arts in San Diego, CAIn recent years, clear aligners have become more popular due to their benefits. Many people choose aligners because they are comfortable and removable. Others also appreciate that aligners offer a discreet way to straighten teeth. The appliances can effectively move your teeth into a more aesthetically pleasing position. Read on to find out more about clear aligners.

Clear aligners

Clear aligners are plastic replicas of a patient’s teeth. These appliances must be worn for at least 20 hours every day. It is crucial to move on to a new set of aligners every two weeks or as recommended by the dentist. Each new set helps to slowly move teeth to their correct position based on the treatment plan. Here are some of the benefits of clear aligners.

Treatable cases

Clear aligners can correct a number of problems, including crowded or crooked teeth, gapped teeth, underbites, and overbites. Crooked and crowded teeth can make it difficult to brush and floss, resulting in various problems, including tooth decay, gum disease, and even tooth loss. They can also interfere with speaking and chewing. Fortunately, aligners can help fix many of these problematic conditions. Clear aligners are often used to correct mild to moderate problems. Although aligners can also be used to treat more complicated orthodontic problems, the results can be less predictable.


Many people choose clear aligners for cosmetic reasons. Aligners are not completely invisible; however, it is hard to tell whether an individual is wearing the appliances due to the transparent material. This gives them a huge advantage over other treatment options, many of which are highly visible. It is also why more adults are using them to straighten their teeth.


Aligners are popular partly because the appliances are removable. People can take them out when brushing and flossing, which makes it easier to clean the teeth. It is also good to take them out before eating and drinking. Patients must wear them for the recommended amount of time daily to attain the desired results. So, it is vital to only remove them when it is necessary. If the appliances are not worn as directed, they will not work.

Minimal maintenance

Clear aligners are easy to clean and require minimal maintenance. It is advisable to rinse aligners thoroughly with water after taking them out of the mouth. This will help to rinse away bacteria, food particles, and saliva. Moreover, the appliances should be brushed gently with a soft toothbrush regularly. Aligners also need to be soaked in the appropriate solution. This will help to keep them odorless and free from germs.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Clear Aligners in San Diego, CA

Talk to your dentist

Straightening your teeth can improve your smile’s appearance. It is also beneficial to the long-term health of your teeth. When it comes to correcting alignment issues, there are numerous reasons patients choose clear aligners. Aligners are discreet, removable, and require minimal maintenance. This makes them a suitable option for both adults and teens. To find out if clear aligners are right for you, talk to your dentist today.

Are you considering clear aligners in the San Diego area? Get more information at

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