What To Do if Your Invisalign Breaks or Cracks

What To Do if Your Invisalign Breaks or Cracks from Mission Valley Dental Arts in San Diego, CANo matter how careful one may be when using Invisalign®, there is always a chance of the aligner trays breaking, cracking, or wearing down from daily use. Most patients switch their trays before this has the chance to happen, but sometimes it is unavoidable. What to do next will depend on when the tray broke and the extent of damage.

When Invisalign breaks

One of the most common causes of Invisalign tray breakage is removing it from only one side. Aligners may also break because a tooth is so out of alignment that the pressure it puts on the tray results in a crack. Another common cause of damage is when patients do not store them in their aligner cases properly. Putting aligners in a napkin or leaving them on the counter makes it more likely that they will get crushed. Always store Invisalign in the provided case to avoid this type of breakage.

Similarly, Invisalign trays may crack due to jaw clenching or teeth grinding (bruxism), especially while sleeping. In this way, Invisalign works as a nightguard — where the tray cracked, the teeth would have worn down instead. However, if bruxism is severe and breaks aligner after aligner, a dental provider may recommend potential alternative options. This may include stress management, limiting caffeine intake, and developing a healthy night routine.

What to do about a broken tray

If an aligner tray breaks, the patient needs to call us for advice on how to proceed. The extent of damage will determine the patient's next step, whether they continue to the next set or if they need to repair the current aligner tray. There are several possible options to consider, including:

Move on to the next tray

Patients may move on to the next set of aligners if the tray sustains damage to the point that it is not wearable. The adjustment period after moving on to the next trays may be harsher than usual. Keep in mind that this is only an option if the tray broke close to the date that the patient would have switched to the next tray in their treatment plan anyway. An example of an unwearable tray has severe cracks, causing it to fit loosely over the teeth.

Move back a tray

If the aligners are unwearable but were broken soon after switching trays, the patient will likely need to move back a tray until they can get a replacement. This may extend their treatment time. However, the patient will need a replacement as soon as possible.

Keep using the current tray

If there are only minor cracks or worn-down parts of the aligner, the patient should be able to continue wearing it. Chances are that the damaged aligner will last until the patient needs to switch trays. This is the best-case scenario, as there will be no interruption to the patient’s treatment.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign in San Diego, CA

Consult our dental team

If your Invisalign trays sustain damage from regular use or an accident, consult our dental team. We will advise you about the proper next steps. A broken tray does not have to set your treatment back.

Request an appointment or call Mission Valley Dental Arts at 619-805-4248 for an appointment in our San Diego office.

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